About Campus Crossroads

About Campus Crossroads

Campus Crossroads urges college students and professors to say ‘hello’ and boldly turn the world upside down as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Welcome! I work at the local community and tech college as a communication professor. Most importantly, I also serves as the faculty sponsor of the campus ministry!

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Teaching is hard work. Caring about your students, delivering quality content, and living up to expectations from every angle makes for challenging days. You aren’t alone. Learning how to infuse my faith with my work invigorated my heart towards my calling and continues to inspire new strategies for effective mentorship. Regardless of if you teach Kindergarten, 7th grade, 11th grade, or college students teachers (who happen to be Christian) can benefit from reflecting on how we mimic and mirror our creator in the classroom.

In my free time, I love riding horses and laughing. Reading, photography, and any potential hobby one can buy supplies from Hobby Lobby at… I’ll give it a try at least once!

Nick (my husband) and I also have 4 horses, 3 dogs, and a dwindling number of chickens.

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Looking for some resources to ignite your bible study or potential gift ideas? Check out the resources page here!